MSRNT – Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of North Texas

Happy Tails

Share Your Happy Tail Story With Us

Abby (formerly Bella)


Abby is the best most wonderful love dog- formerly Bella. She is really thriving the last 5 months and has truly won over our home and hearts.

Took her on a trip to Idaho and she had a blast!

Thank you for this joy.

-Shawna & Matt

Hot Rod and Carmella


Hot Rod & Carmella (Carmy) have been part of our family for 2 years now. We love them. They are the best dogs. We are so lucky. Thank you to their foster mom Cindi.


If you have a Happy Tail story you’d like to share with us, head over to our Contact Us page.

Selah (formerly Coco)


Our first experience with MSRNT was when we adopted this precious bundle of love on Jan 2, 2022, and we love her so much!

She fits right in with our elder Mini-Schnauzer, Charley, and our other Mini-Schnauzer, Paisley, who quickly became Selah’s guardian & friend.

All 3 of our Schnauzers are grateful rescues and special members of the family! Furrever grateful for MSRNT!

Marvin & Karen S.

Selah Happy Tails



Just an update on our Dolly. We adopted her from y’all 5 years ago, she just turned 14 in January.

She is a joy every day! She is always right by us, loves to play still, and can’t go outside enough!

Thank you so much for allowing us to have her in our lives 🙂

–  Sheri

Adopted Dolly Happy Tails


Ten Years with George October 25, 2023

George joined us ten years ago today (thank you foster parents Rich and Julie!). He turned age fourteen last month. He can’t jump so high these days; he sleeps quite soundly and he’s lost some teeth.

But otherwise, George is healthy and his senses are as almost sharp as ever. He still struts the trail on his daily walks. He still wants to chase the squirrels, rabbits and lizards. He loves greeting all of his friends, human and canine – and he has many of both.

We’ve had ten great years of entertainment, amusement and companionship (and occasional annoyance). Mostly we’ve had ten years of love! Every day with George is a blessing. Thank you MSRNT!

– Gary & Darcie

Sawyer (formerly Tramp)

I can’t believe it’s been almost EIGHT years since I brought my sweet stinky boy Sawyer home with me, all thanks to MSRNT!

He’s been an amazing companion and steadfastly by my side through a LOT of life things… Multiple moves, getting married (and adopting my husband as his dad, of course), losing my father, and so much more. I certainly couldn’t imagine my life without him.

He acquired a little (which is funny, since she’s much bigger than he is) sister in 2017 and they make quite the pair (see the photo of them in “their spot” in my office. at home). She loves to pester him into playing with her, and he’s a great sport about it.

So grateful for MSRNT and for Barbara, his foster mom, who saw our connection instantly at our meet & greet and started calling him “Sawyer” at home because she knew that’s what his name would be… 🙂



Amber came to our home the middle of October 2018. After a short time of adjustment she has settled in to a daily routine of going to work with us at the radio station for about three hours. She loves riding around town, going to the tower site and post office and any other place.

Every afternoon we go on a 25 minute neighborhood walk, greets everybody at the radio station with a couple of barks and looking to be petted. Also, jokingly I call her my employee control agent. One of our employees does daily production work and when she moves from the production room to the control room Amber starts barking at her noting that she’s supposed to be in the production room only.

A postal lady comes in daily and amber has to greet and bark at her. She’s a “bird dog” loves to eat duck jerkey and thin sliced turkey from the fridge. She also loves her extended family our son, daughter in law, granddaughter and grandson has to get in their faces to show her love. Looks forward to bedtime likes to sleep under the bed but during the wee hours wants to get under the sheets with us.

Happy to have her and we know she’s happy to be with us…queen of the house and loves guarding it always looking out the door ready to bark at anybody or any other animal that comes into her yard especially barks at the delivery trucks as they go by. Thank you for allowing amber to come to our home here in borger smack dab in the middle of the texas panhandle !!!

— George

amber happy tail 2022


I adopted Lucas almost 7 years ago and I cannot put in words how much I love him. I am so blessed to have found him.

– Michelle


We adopted Tramp/Wrigley in 2013. My mom, husband and I found him at an event. My mom and husband fell in love with him.

Wrigley is a sweet dog with a personality. He has been a source of support after my mom passed.

He cracks us up with his antics and guards our yard. He makes sure nothing comes into the yard.

At 10 he is growing strong. He keeps us safe and loves to snuggle with us. Plus as I am writing this I can hear him snore. -Christine


We can’t believe it has been almost 11 years since Piper came to live with us. She will have her 14th birthday in September. 

She is the most beautiful, happy and loving dog you could ever hope for and has never met someone she didn’t immediately love. 

She is in charge of the house with a bed in almost every room. She still monitors the squirrels in her backyard although no longer does too much chasing them into the trees.

– Jennifer & Ed



Darrell & I adopted Oz/Ricky the end of December 2011 or early January 2012. He was a stray picked up in south Dallas & believed to be about 2 years old. At that time we lived in Coppell. We now live south of Benbrook. I believe you will have our application from that time. I am inquiring about a dog from All Amercian Dogs Shelter named Avila. 

In December 2020 we adopted a terrier mix puppy from a rescue, her name is Honey. She is very active and playful & is a bit too much for Ricky who is now about 11 years old. He is such a sweet boy and we would like to make his senior years a bit easier. 

So we are looking for a younger adult female miniature schnauzer who would be playful with Honey. So if Avila is accepted by MSRNT we would be interested in her. Here are some pictures of Ricky (the gray schnauzer), mostly snoozing.

– Bonnie & Darrell

ricky sleeping happy tail
ricky honey happy tail
ricky honey happy tail


Wow! I can’t believe Skylar has been part of my family for a year. It just seems like yesterday that Shayfer (my other rescue from MSRNT) fell in love with her and insisted we bring her home with us.

A year later they are still in love. Skylar is such a sweet little girl. She is so curious and loves to smell every blade of grass. She loves to play and run, but also loves to snuggle with Shayfer under my desk to watch for squirrels.

Snuggling with Mom is also a favorite activity. She runs up, stands on her hind legs and claps her front paws for me to pick her up.
Obviously she makes me laugh. Love this baby girl.

– Linda S

skylar happy tail


Adopted 1-23-20

Well, I’ve had my baby boy for 1 year now. I just love him so much. We walk everyday 1/2 to 1 mile a day. He & Sophie are doing well together. Both want to sit in my lap when in the recliner chair. He is now sleeping more in my bed instead of on his bed. Sending a picture of the face I wake up to almost every morning. He slaps my hand when I stop petting him. Isn’t he just too cute? Best thing I did last year when I adopted him.

– Claire


We adopted Lilly in October of 2019. She is the perfect fit to our family. Her adoption profile said that she was outgoing and energetic, snuggly, and melted the hearts of everyone she met. Truer words were never spoken! She is the most precious little one and brings us so much joy! We are so grateful to Shannon (the best foster mom) and the MSRNT for completing our family! – Ryan and Lindsey


I adopted Layla 9 years ago and she is simply the best! All my adult children who also have dogs say she is the most adorable, adaptable and best behaved! She is currently is a “dog nurse” for my adult son in Los Angeles who is recuperating from knee surgery, but hopefully Layla will be home by February! She stars in her own movie on Sunset Blvd on her way to the drive-in movie with my son & girlfriend.



Almost 11 months ago the Miniature Schnauzer Rescue North Texas group, and this sweet boy, chose me to be his forever home.  Today I celebrate his 11th birthday!

There are no words to describe the joy he brings to my life. I love you sweet Brutus.

Kathy Wilkens


It has been a couple of weeks since Swaggerton joined our family and affectionally given the name Swaggerton Barksalot Lindsey. He is a smart, loving, and playful boy! He has so much energy; he enjoy taking walks around the neighborhood, running circles around the house, and playing tug of war with his new brother and sister (Boogie and Khloe). Swags is also a huge snuggler; he loves to sleep under the covers at night and hanging out with dad on the sofa during the day while mom is at work. We are so happy that MSRNT chose us to be his new family and we think that Swags is too. He has been and will continue to get more love and attention than he will ever know what to do with. He makes our hearts smile and our family full. -Cyndi
swaggerton happy tail


June, a Schnoodle, has been a member of our family for a little over two weeks. She has become our darling companion. She is cute, cuddly, energetic, and happy. She and her big brother, Scout, also a Schnauzer rescue, get along beautifully. Scout is her teacher. She follows his lead. June adjusted immediately to her harness and leash and enjoys her evening walks with Scout. She is a good watch dog and her hearing is amazing. Recently, I took June with me in the car for an outing. When we returned home, June reacted with so much excitement! She zoomed all over the living room, jumping and barking, as if to say, “I’m home and I like it!” Welcome home, June! Thank you so much, Tami Fuller and MSRNT, for our darling companion. Thank you for rescuing June and for choosing us to be her fur-ever family. Thank you for all the hard work you do to rescue this wonderful breed. God Bless You, dear and precious friends. — Eileen and Rod 


It has been 6 months since Peyton came to my home. He has brought me so much happiness being my Big Boy. He and Sophie are getting closer everyday. Both dogs get so excited when we go on our daily morning & late evening walks. Peyton barks at me to hurry up in putting my tennis shoes on and then he jumps up & softly nips at my leggings to get me moving faster. He loves to cuddle and play on the floor. Both dogs are from MSRNT and I am so thankful that I was selected for these 2 sweeties to complete my family. They bring me such of joy and laughter.




It’s been nearly 6 months since Carole brought Leia to me. She is a delightful, goofy princess of a dog who loves walks, sunbathing, and naps.
We have so much in common! So grateful to Carole and MSRNT.


leah happy tail


Spike has been with us for 2 1/2 years. We love our boy! He is the best dog. He loves patrolling his yard or relaxing on the sofa. He has 2 cat sisters. Everyone gets along great.

Thank you to everyone at MSRNT and especially Barbara, Spike’s foster mom.



Neeko has settled right in to a routine in my life. He has become a perfect companion who enjoys nestling down in my bed pillows. He has now met all my family and everyone loves him, especially my 18-month-old grandson who developed a real mutual admiration society with him. Neeko already has claimed three nooks where he naps while I am working– two are in my office at home. He loves his afternoon snacks of baby carrots or frozen sweet potato slices. Thanks to Grace and all the MSRNT volunteers for what you do to unite these precious pups who bring such joy and happiness with their new homes.



Dolly has been a wonderful addition to our home. She is the sweetest thing. She loves to ride in the car, play with ALL the toys, and having her belly rubbed. Her and Sugar play tug of war every once in a while, i think it’s about a 50/50 split on the winner. She has a comfy new bed that she used for about 2 nights, now she sleeps with us. Thank you so much for letting her join our home, we love her so much!


Dobie taking a break after his visit with the senior residents at the Bentley today.

Happy St. Patty’s Day


Dobie & Lynn

Baxter (formerly Buddy)

Here is a note from us to add to the Happy Tails page for Baxter (formerly Buddy).  He has gotten a bit shaggy since we adopted him but will be getting groomed on Thursday 4/4 and I will send a better picture of him then if you want to wait a few days before you publish this.  Thanks again, we are so happy with Baxter joining our family.

It took a few days for Baxter to settle in as we think he was still missing his previous home, but he now seems to be very happy and seems right at home.  He loves his walks and attention from us and occasionally playing with Bowie our black cat.  Baxter is not much of a snuggler as yet but we think he will come to like that eventually.  Now that Baxter is comfortable in his new home he has become very affectionate and vocal in the way that Schnauzer owners all know.  He is happy to tell us when it is time for his dinner or one of his walks or that someone is at the door that he wants to meet.  We’ve just scheduled him for his first grooming and he was very excited when I told him about it as he has gotten a little shaggy over the last couple weeks.  Baxter is a super sweet and friendly dog and has been a wonderful addition to our family.  Many thanks to MSRNT!


We adopted Lily last month and have fallen in love with her! She’s the perfect companion for our younger maltipoo and for our 9-month-old daughter.

I was contacting you to inquire about the check we gave y’all for $300. Carol, Lily’s foster mom, said it should have gone through by now but I haven’t seen it come out of our account.

Thank you so much for bringing Lily into our lives!!!

Bridget & Ginger

We had a trip to out Vet to become patients of record and “meet”. We are all getting along wonderfully… thank you for letting us adopt “the girls”. We have discovered that Bridget is our resident sentinel, alerting us to any/all movement in her kingdom. Ginger is a little stressed, … poor baby! I really think it is because of not having a more calm atmosphere just yet after coming to Florida. We are enjoying our walks and just hanging out, both on leash while I am doing fun things outside. I have also learned that Ginger is I think protective of me. We are learning to tolerate having our teeth brushed, having our eyes washed, and getting our medicine prior to bedtime. We all sleep just fine together ( which I really like). I discover Ginger between us and her little head on the pillow, just like a person…so cute. That’s about all I have to report.

Heidi (formerly Cookie)

Heidi (Cookie) is just wonderful! She’s such a sweetheart! We named her Heidi after Steve’s dog when he was a kid. She is absolutely the most loving, affectionate dog we have ever known. She has springs in her feet and still has the puppy energy. Buster has warmed up to her and chases her in the yard. We feel so blessed to have her!


Thank you so much for bringing joy to so many lives!

shayfer (formerly Pointer)

Shayfer wanted to send you some updates. Yesterday I went to Ms Amy’s for dinner. Had so much fun. While I tolerated those two big labs, the kids were fun to run with. I preferred being in my moms lap, but still went to anyone with a treat. Glad those other big dogs weren’t there. Today, I met the new groomer in a can. Her name was Casey. At first I was terrified of her, but she said the nicest and gave me treats. I let her bathe me, cut a little on my face and front. I even let her trim my front nails (Mom was sure glad about that). I was told my coat is not really the best for a Schnauzer cut…guess I will just have my own look. Think I’ll go back…in smiling. 

Mom’s comments: Groomer was a dog whisperer. She said he was all over the place emotionally from screaming at the small things to cuddling. But the good news is that she said he can easily adapt to future visits and she would groom him any time. As you can see from photo, no big changes just a nice smelling dog with no trauma? Dinner at Amy’s was most surprising as did not know how he would react while we sat at dining table eating. He sat at my feet, didn’t beg or move entire meal. Perfect dog!! Love this little pup even if he can’t look like a Schnauzer.

Henry (formerly Scrappy)


I wanted to give an update on Henry (formerly known as Scrappy). It’s been about four months with him and he is absolutely the center of our worlds! We have affectionately nick-named him “Little Handsome,” and he loves going to the dog park several times a week as well as his daily walks and play sessions in the backyard. We’ve been training together too and while he has mastered the simple commands, we’re still building up to the more complex leash training skills. Henry is the cuddliest dog I’ve ever met and loves to sit on the laps of every person we meet! His favorite things are cuddling, playing tug of war with his toys, stealing socks from the laundry to play with, and sticking his head out the window during rides in the car (while safely buckled in, of course). He is the sweetest dog in the world and we are just in love – thank you for giving us the opportunity to welcome him into our family!

– Marcie and Ben

Dusty (formerly Jayden)

Adopted March 1, 2019

After one week Dusty has been the perfect doggie companion. One would think he has lived here with me for months.  He has had no trouble adapting to his new home.  I am so happy he lives here.

Max & Peyton

Max and Peyton reunited again in their new forever home after being surrendered to MSRNT due to health issues in family!

The boys are doing well considering all the changes! This picture represents the weekend and all the group snuggles and naps we had. Max does not like sharing snuggles but he is still getting a lot of attention and one and one time too. Petyon is becoming more playful every day. He is funny! He’s friendly, a little skittish but when he’s warmed up he gets crazy playful!!

Though Max has had a couple times where we wants to play, and is sparkly happy when we get home — after he settles back to his stoic self and just interested in his people, laps, hugs, sleeping and walks.


He definitely loves being social with fellow dogs! We got to see some serious pure joy when he got to play with the neighborhood dogs so that was fun, and we’re looking forward to that again.


Adopted: 1/25/19

He’s the sweetest boy! He got his own bed, halter, and winter jacket.

He lays on the bed with us, and is learning to sit for treats.

They are all getting along great.  Thanks for taking such good care of him and sharing him.


I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that Pepper is doing well. He has been having a lot of fun exploring his neighborhood and meeting new friends on our daily walks.

He met his vet, who said his health is good. We’re keeping an eye on his heart, teeth and cysts and have a plan for additional diagnostics if/when needed.

We also started training, with the goal of reducing his anxiety, particularly around other dogs. We’re pretty early in, but so far he seems to be having fun. I’ve included a few pics that I hope you enjoy.




Here is Georgia three years later, and nothing has changed. She still rules the roost and is rotten to the core!

She had just gotten home from her monthly beauty appt.

Still likes to burrow under a blanket to sleep. She’s been a lot of company and keeps me entertained with her antics.



Marty and I finally took some selfies with Beau (aka: Debo) so we wanted to share with you. It’s been 2 weeks today, and he is perfection!!!

He loves romping in the back yard. He loves daily walks and is getting use to using a harness and leash.

He sits on the couch between us in the evenings and is really attached to Marty, which is wonderful, as our previous Schnauzer, Max, had a previous woman owner and was very attached to me. (It’s so interesting how they have their own individual personalities!!!) Beau is so affectionate with both of us and a real lover-boy!!! We love him so!

Sue and Marty


Hi ladies,

This is just an update to let you know how things are going between Lincoln and me. They are going great. It’s as though we have been together since he was a baby pup.

When we are out walking it’s as though he falls in love with every person we meet. I get such nice comments. He’s getting plenty of exercise too—either 1.5 or 2.25 miles every day.

He loves walking around the lake across from me. He chases the ducks every day but of course he never catches them. He is also taken with all the squirrels in my apartment complex.

Thanks to both of you for letting me adopt him.

Best regards,

Murphy (formerly Lil' Man)

Adopted 12/21/18

Murphy (LilMan) was a big hit with all the family.  We introduced him to our clan slowly and he did great!  A couple of the grandkids slept on the floor in the living room (don’t know why because we had beds for them, but you know kiddos).  In the morning after Murphy and I went for a walk, he would come in and cuddle up with them and they would all sleep as late as possible.  The grandkids would go on walks with us while they were here.  My soon to be 12 year old granddaughter made over him the most, and he really loved her.  She loves dogs and Murphy picked up on that I’m sure.  On Friday, my son-in-laws were on the sofa watching a game on TV.  He would snuggle up next to one of them, then move to the other one when either got up.  Yesterday, he and I played chase and he watched some TV and barked at the animals.  He has learned to make a running start at the sofa and get up there went he wants to.

The other day he was trying to scratch his ear with the leg that is a little shorter.  He couldn’t quite reach where he wanted to scratch, so I scratched it for him – We’re not spoiling him or anything like that J.

Overall, he is a happy, well-adjusted little guy.  He is so sweet and we are so glad he is a part of our family.





Adopted 12/3/18

Yesterday marked Titan’s full first week with us and he is so spoiled.  He and Bella sit under my desk and bark at the squirrels and anything else that moves.

We bought them a large bed and Sherpa throws to go on it and last night they both slept in it together all night That is the first time is almost 13 years he has not slept in our bed with us.  Bella gives him kisses and they are constantly together.


To celebrate, Dobie’s been busy this past week:  Ronald McDonald House on Tuesday and Night Lights (an evening with special needs kids so the parents can have a night off) on Friday.  Went to Sewell Subaru for picture with Santa on Saturday.

One more visit this coming week at a senior living facility and a memory care unit to finish out the year.


Lynn & Dobie


Ace has been an exceptional addition to our family. He fully takes advantage of his new doggie door and free reign of the backyard. Ace is quite the ladies’ man and steals the hearts of any female in the room. He loves the comfort of a king size bed at night; and cozying up next to anyone who allows him. Little man is just enough of a challenge for his seven-year-old brother Colonel (formerly Cletus). Both pups love to play tug-a-war, wrestle,and of course chase the tiny humans in our house; till everyone is exhausted and out of breath. Ace is all we were promised and so much more; MSRNT has done it again by finding us our perfect match.


We are so happy and excited to have adopted little Gavin. He’s adapting quite well to his new family that includes two cats and two small children. Gavin is a well-behaved polite and gentle little boy. He loves to go on as many walks as possible each day, and greet both humans and others dogs with hello barks.  He loves to ride in the car and is an excellent copilot. He is making good use of his new outdoors pace and loves to roll around in the grass every chance he gets. His personality is really beginning to show, and the more comfortable he gets in his new home the more he blossoms. He is a wonderful addition to our family.



Nigel (formerly Rocky)

Adopted 07/2015

When Nigel, our hero dog, alerted us at 3:00 a.m. on a Friday morning, my husband noticed a truck theft occurring across the street.  He immediately called 911.  Three Richardson police cars showed up and surrounded the getaway vehicle as it was just about to pull away.  On the spot justice – BOOM!  Richardson police later awarded both Art and Nigel with crime prevention recognition certificates.

Robin and Art 

Pandora (formerly Estrella)

I just wanted to provide an update! Formerly known as Estrella, now known as Pandora (because she surprises us everyday) is adjusting awesomely. Whereas she cried when kenneled and even tried to escape when we opened the front door on day one, she has decided she likes us and now walks into her kennel freely and doesn’t run when we open the door. She is doing amazing with our kiddos.  We had a couple stuffed animals she tried to devour, but she is easy to train and I know she’s going to do amazingly over time. The cat hates her continuous bombardment of curious judges and sniffs, but I think Panda is learning her place. We love her and are even thinking about doing a DNA test to fully understand her doggie heritage better.


Thank you again for what you do!

Chewie Louie (formerly Mauritz)

Adopted 11/2018


Chewie Louie (formerly Mauritz) is loving his new life. He adapted quickly and is most definitely a mommy’s boy. He loves playing with his brother Oscar (MSRNT alumni known as Prince) and dragging all the toys out of the toy box. He’s quite the snuggler and talker. He has a lot of opinions. We’re just so happy he’s with us. Truly a perfect fit!


Rihanna was meant to be our dog; there is no question about it! When we started fostering for MSRNT, our dream dog was a small black female, but we had two dogs already.  So we decided to foster and save many dogs, not just one. But lo and behold, our second foster was this perfect cuddly black female Rihanna. I wanted to keep her so badly, but again we chose fostering for a reason; so we adopted her out to what seemed like a wonderful forever home. In 9 short months we got a call that her “forever owner” was moving and could not take her. My heart fell to my stomach, and I knew there was no way I could adopt this girl to anyone else. She was ours forever this time, and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Two years later, Rihanna still brings us unexplainable happiness. My little Rih Rih is my pride and joy. I am completely obsessed with her! She fit right in with my pack and all the foster dogs who come in and out of our home. She is the cuddliest dog I have ever known! She truly is my dream dog and without MSRNT, I would have never met the furry love of my life! I am SO thankful for this organization and the (literal) countless hours each volunteer puts into these rescue dogs! It’s not easy at all, but with dogs like Rihanna it is all worth it!


Hardy has had a great adventure this weekend.  Had a trip with Marty twice in the truck running errands, tried to eat the across the street neighbor’s dog, met the next door neighbor and didn’t bite at him but was not exactly friendly either, has stayed some out in the sun. Just great fun, continues to steal illegal items but drops them when told. He is settling in well. No fence yet, just too wet with all this rain.

Just gave him a bath for the second time since I had him. After I got him semi-dry, I let him out of the bathroom. He ran around and around like the speed of light! Too funny!

Hardy is doing so well. He is getting better about allowing people in the house and is friendly. We are starting leash training. Fence is close to being finished. He is so full of personality, but it took a while for it to show up.

Well, we took him to the groomer, and we got everything but the face. He had to be muzzled, and I had to hold him through the entire process. I am exhausted! He’s so cute; I wanted him short because we have some stickers and he always finds them!!


The fence is finished! The brown horse behind us has been trying to make friends with him, but Hardy won’t have it!  When Marty let him go today, he went right over to the brown horse. Kris, they ran up and down the fence together for at least 10 minutes! It was so funny. The horse was quite amused at this little noisy creature. He is loving being in the backyard with his new freedom, but he seems to have a hearing defect when it is time to come in! Lol.

Pongo & Patches

Hi guys, So sad that the Bark in the Park was cancelled. Pongo and Patches were ready to prance the park. They have become such friends. Somehow the bed gets full after we go to sleep, but it makes mornings special.


Thanks again Bill & Barb

Jack (formerly Troy)

It’s been a little over a year since this little guy joined our family.  Jack (formerly Troy) has brought a lot of love and laughter to our home. He is the sweetest, funniest, most loving little man. He loves his older sister, Lilly, and is perfectly content letting her be boss. He loves to take walks, play with Lilly, snuggle, watch TV and Oh Yes, chase squirrels! Jack has grown into a most handsome little man, and Lilly and I are so grateful to his foster mom, Carole Doyle, for taking great care of him while he waited for his fur-ever home! A big thank you to MSRNT for all you do!

Angela, Jack & Lilly 


Russell is a very good boy.  He’s the most consistent dog to ever own me.  He’s such a love bug and follows us everywhere.   Our youngest just went to college so we think he is missing her.   He’s definitely missing the trips to the barn she used to take him on.  Thinking about maybe getting him a friend and expanding our pack.   Just a thought at this stage.

Thank you for all you do!  It’s a wonderful organization that we are proud to be associated with.



EddieBear (formerly Hugo)

EddieBear (aka Hugo) is the most wonderful dog ever.  He has captured our hearts!  Still a lovable brat but gets along famously with our other dogs Sara and Charlie.  He has learned many commands and does respond to them (when he feels like it …he acts so bossy). LOL.  He has the most personality of any dog I have ever met.  I can’t describe the joy he has brought to our entire family.

We can’t thank you enough for choosing us to be his forever family.  Don’t know what we would do without him!  We love him!!!!!!!!

PS He loves to swim!!!!




Two weeks ago we went to meet Scotty and knew he was meant to be our dog.  Little did we know how perfectly he would fit with each of us in our home!  We wanted a schnauzer because of their intelligence and “in-tune-ness” coupled with a non-shedding presence, but it is safe to say that Scotty has stolen our hearts.  He embraces every new experience with joy and confidence.  From our walks, to boating, to riding the UTV Gator, to playing rough and tough with Dad, we are so grateful he is ours.

Thank you, MSRNT and Tami, for providing the safe and loving home that gave him the confidence that he would be loved forever!

Jack and Dona 


Just Monday, this Labor Day, we celebrated a wonderful first year with Daisy.


Sheryl, Daisy’s foster mom, was right on all accounts.  She loves to eat, is definitely a talker and loves her time snuggling in the bed.  We are so blessed to have found her.  She still has some health issues, but is now a much healthier little girl.  She is a great addition to our canine family.

Greta & Koby

Our Schnauzer family is doing really well. About 4 years ago, Greta had to have gall bladder surgery. Her liver counts were so high that they couldn’t be charted, and the doctor said she didn’t know how she could be walking and breathing.  Very sick!   The surgery for Greta was successful.  Her liver counts are higher than normal and her liver has some damage that will not completely heal, but it has been 10 years since we adopted her which would make for about age 12 and she is doing well.

Koby has really come out of his shell.  My baby that rarely barked, but was always happy, now talks.  Not just occasionally but all time!  As long as the sun is shining, he wants to be in his back yard running and chasing squirrels from tree to tree.  He talks to the squirrels as well.  He is still a mamma’s baby, but he and his dad love playing hide and seek around the kitchen island.  Needless to say, he is a joy and I don’t know what our life would look like without him!

We are very blessed to have our rescue fur babies!

Terri & Patrick 

Bella & Buster

Hello MSRNT,

Bob and I want to give you an update on Bella & Buster.  They are the best dogs ever!  They love chasing squirrels in our backyard and sitting in our laps.  Bella has chosen Bob’s lap, and Buster has chosen mine. We have bought a truck and a travel trailer so that the pups can travel with us.  We’re having a great time together exploring forests and trails.

Thank you again for allowing us to adopt these wonderful dogs.


Bob and Martha

Lucy & Ricky (formerly Rachel & Ray)

Adopted 07/2018


I figured I would update you on Ricky and Lucy after their first vet appointment today.  I really have bonded with Ricky and my brother with Lucy.  They love our family, and we love them.  You can see how comfy they are!


Adopted 12/2015

Romeo is doing very well and continues to come out of his shell more and more every day. You wouldn’t believe how much he has changed since we first brought him home. We’re amazed as he no longer runs when visitors come to the house; in fact, he will walk right up to a person to check them out. He continues to be a morning dog and still loves to “talk” to us when we come home from work. Walking across hard surfaces doesn’t seem to bother him that much anymore either, but he prefers the carpet (and our couch). 

He still does struggle with walking through tight spaces, but he’s becoming more used to it. We also notice him playing with our female Schnauzer, Lily, when he doesn’t think anyone is looking. Romeo, Lily, and our oldest Schnauzer, Duke, all remain close packmates. We love Romeo so very much and we’re so glad we were able to make him an addition to our family.




Adopted 06/2017

Just a fun fact for you … we had Molly’s DNA analyzed, just for grins … and the report came back that she is indeed 100% miniature schnauzer – in case there was any question!  She is one happy girl, and she is the delight of our family.  Our old fella Smokey is hanging in there too, and he will turn 15 next month!  He and Molly are thick as thieves, but she is a huge momma’s girl – times two since she has two mommies!

One of these days, we may be ready for another addition from MSRNT!!!




Adopted 6/24/2017

Sweet Maggie Mae is now 18 months old.  She is at the dog park in Arlington with her bed.  You know it’s been darn hot outside and a girl has to have her own water bowl, a soft bed that’s cooler & shady to rest in between play time.  She is still hard-headed, but very loved.



Adopted 05/22/2018


Some of you have been following the story of Hope.  Enduring unspeakable brutality at the hand of her owner and dumped on the road, Hope, who was picked up by a local shelter, was missing her two back legs below her knees.

After entering MSRNT, Hope opened up into a beautiful, sweet girl full of fun and life in her loving foster home.  MSRNT helped Hope get fitted for a new wheelchair to improve her mobility.  All that was needed was a new home to call her own.  We are happy to announce that Hope has found her new forever home with a canine sister who is also a MSRNT alumna.

On May 30th, her foster mom, Karen, wrote:


“One week ago today, a VERY special girl named Hope was adopted by a wonderful family that will give her a life of love and great care.  Thank you Jerry and Patti Pierce Burns and Hope’s new sister, Squirrel, for giving her your hearts and opening your home.  In spite of Hope’s physical challenges, she has come so far, has the most beautiful spirit, and has eyes that melt your heart.  Thanks to Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of North Texas and the Burns family, she has the best future imaginable.”

Charlie (formerly Clarence)

Adopted 02/07/2013

Wanted you to know we are still around and my Charlie is still so wonderful!  He is still my life and I’m his as well, and what a wonderful life we have had together!  I will admit we both have aged but still love each other dearly!  We wish you could come see us to see just how great Charlie is.  It worries me which one will outlive the other; I can’t stand the thought of leaving him here alone without me. I will be 83 in August.  He would have a hard time alone, as I would too, but I would be  able to understand it better.

Thank you again for fulfilling my late years so lovingly!  We will just keep on loving each other and God will help both of us.  Thank you again for giving me a happy life!


Eggsy (formerly Duffy)

Adopted 02/25/2018

“Don’t I look refreshingly handsome with my new haircut?”  Eggsy is the spunkiest hairy mammal in our family – besides our two cats.  He keeps us on our toes!  He jumps high like a crazy dolphin spinning up in the air to greet us each time we come home (that is, if he did not go with us).


He keeps us active as we all play games with toys and running figure 8’s in the backyard (mostly him doing the running.  He has also been jogging at the park.  Currently, he is chewing on his nylon bone on the cozy rug and enjoying the air conditioning while listening to the porcelain symphonic playing Christmas tunes…yes, in May!  He is a pleasure and a wonderful addition to our family.


Dino is now 5 years old, and he is healthy and happy!  He loves his human mom and snuggles with me all the time.He and Hans love to roughhouse together; then after a few minutes, they lay down butt to butt and take a nap!  If one of them is at the groomer, the other one wanders the house looking for the missing one.They are so funny and a good match.  They are the cutest boys and do get along very well!

We have a new pattern for nighttime.  After we all eat supper, they start getting anxious.  If it is 6:45 and we have not all gone to the bedroom, something is really wrong!  They guys are so smart.  They can tell time…both of them!  So you might as well get out of the recliner, turn out the lights, and head to the bedroom to watch TV. They are the first ones on the bed, and Dino is right in the middle lying on his fleece blanket.

Dino is also the official greeter at the house.  Even the repairmen who come are greeted.  They pet him, and then he lies down for a nap or watches them, depending on what they are fixing.

We get the biggest kick out of these boys, and they are loved and spoiled so much!  This little guy is happy where he is now, and he knows he is in a good home. Both he and Hans make us very happy, and we get a lot of joy from them!  I am so glad we found MSRNT and Dino.


Adopted 09/26/2009



Thanks to you, Chloe has been the light of our lives for almost 9 years. We sincerely appreciate you allowing us to adopt her. She is losing some sight and hearing, but has never been loved so much.

Jamie (formerly Zeke)

Adopted 07/22/2017

It’s Jamie’s birthday, and we thought you might like to see how big and awesome he is!  He was a bit shy when we first adopted him, but his huge personality didn’t take long to come out!  He very quickly picked out his favorite spots to sleep on the couch, on the bed, and in our laps.

He loves trips to the dog park and meeting new dogs every time!  He’s also never shy about telling us when he wants more food in his bowl.  Fetch is one of his favorite activities, and he loves to  chew on the loudest squeaky toys he can find!  He still has his big personality, and we can’t wait for lots of years of fun and play.  We love him!

Shadow (formerly Max)

Adopted 04/11/2018

Shadow is really blending in with Maxine and the rest of the family.  She is petting him all the time, and they are doing things together.  He has his routine on eating, his yard duties, as well as sleeping with her.  He also hugs her legs just like her new canine brother, Max, does with his human dad. Maxine is thrilled, and everyone thinks Shadow is wonderful.  He has been to the vet and has also gone to the groomer.


Life is good with Shadow!