Jango – Adopted

Jango came to us from wait out in the country in Nacogdoches. We took him into our program because his owner was unable to financially provide the medical treatment that Jango so badly needed. You see, Jango has severe allergy issues, and unfortunately, they got completely out of hand while he was in Waxahachie.
This little boy was experiencing such agonizing itching; he scratched his poor skin non-stop. By the time we got him, his skin was severely inflamed, bloody and swollen. There was almost no hair left. We immediately took him to one of our trusted vets, who cleaned and soothed Jango’s skin.

He was put on allergy and topical medication and antibiotics. He also takes medicated baths three times a week. His hair is slowly starting to come back, and his skin is slowly returning to health. Jango has a long way to go, but we’re committed to his continued care and, eventually, to his successful adoption. As most of you know, we can only provide this level of care because of all your kind and charitable donations. Thank you for helping us give Jango the care that he deserves and the exciting opportunity to meet his next fur-ever family!
James Harris | $ 50 |
Dylan Wintle | $ 50 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25 |

Riley came to MSRNT with severe bladder stone issues. His owner couldn’t afford to provide him with the medical care that he needed; so she surrendered him to us. Riley also has significant allergy issues and needs regular allergy shots to keep his condition controlled. MSRNT took Riley to one of our amazing vets to have his bladder stones surgically removed. Typically, after a dog has bladder stone surgery, there’s a 50% chance that they will return. Bladder stones affect certain types of breeds more than others and are largely a result of heredity, although diet and medications can make a big difference. After Riley’s surgery, we sent the stones off to be tested for composition. Like most other male dogs, Riley had calcium oxalate stones. Since his surgery, we’ve put him on a diet and medication that ensures minimal calcium and oxalate in his bladder. Riley is a special and resilient little boy who deserves a forever home and family. Because we’ve has taken these extra steps with Riley, we’re confident that he can be a happy and healthy little schnauzer. MSRNT is asking for donations to help recoup some of the extra expenses we’ve had to make to get Riley prepared for a successful adoption. Thank you to our generous donors!
Cindy Ousey | $ 500.00 |
Bella Wintle | $ 50.00 |
Darlene Berry | $ 30.00 |
Janet Walls | $ 500.00 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25.00 |
Brutus – Adopted

Well when it rains, it pours! MSRNT has taken another mini into our rescue program that has severe bladder stone problems. Little Brutus came to us due to the health of his owner, but after a medical evaluation, we discovered that his health was in need of care as well. Our vet performed a cystotomy on Brutus to remove his stones, and we sent them off for testing. We found that Brutus was dealing with the same type of stones as Riley: calcium oxalate stones. Since then, we’ve put Brutus on the appropriate type of food and medication to protect him from having this same issue again. At MSRNT, we’re committed to doing everything possible to help our minis find a loving and lasting forever family. We know how important it is to take the extra diagnostic steps to fulfill that commitment. Because this commitment sometimes comes at a steep price, we rely on our wonderful donors to help keep us afloat. If you’re able to donate to Brutus’ continuing care, we would be so thankful. Remember, your donations go directly to caring for our rescue schnauzers. Thank you for your generosity!

Beth Kelley | $ 20.00 |
Bella Wintle | $ 50.00 |
Cindy Ousey | $ 500.00 |
Darlene Berry | $ 30.00 |
Janet Walls | $ 500.00 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25.00 |
Zoe- Adopted

Another serious ICU case has come to us in the form of a young adult female named Zoe. Zoe is diagnosed with Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE). This illness is characterized by acute vomiting and intense bloody diarrhea. When we took Zoe, she was so dehydrated; she could barely lift her head. If we hadn’t rescued her when we did, she probably would have passed away within the next twelve hours. As it stands now, Zoe is in critical care at a local vet hospital, where she’s on IV fluids and medication. She’s been presented with wet dog food, but has to yet to show any interest in it. Friends, this is another supremely difficult case where we don’t know what the middle or indeed the end looks like. Miss Zoe has a long road ahead of her to become healthy again, but MSRNT is committed to seeing her get there. As most dog lovers know, a twenty-four hour critical care hospital visit, IV fluids and medication and other potential diagnostic tests and treatments can all add up to an extremely expensive vet bill. MSRNT will take the steps needed to give this little girl every opportunity at health and happiness. However, we can only take each step because of our kind and generous benefactors. If you can donate to Zoe’s health and happiness, please do so. This little mini simply wants a kind home with a loving family. Only with your help, can we make that possible.
Name | Donated |
Bella Wintle | $ 50 |
Darlene Berry | $ 25 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25 |
Jon Phillips | $ 120 |
Nichael Bosley | $ 4.25 |
Angel – Adopted

Angel came to us after bleeding for three months. Her owner had been using diapers to control the bleeding, but it was obvious that Angel was in pain and needed professional care. Angel’s owner was not able to give her the treatment that she needed; so she did the next best thing: she called MSRNT. We took Angel to one of our vets for diagnostic testing. He’s done a urinalysis, sonogram and blood panel. We’ve been told that Angel has a severe bladder infection. There’s also a dark spot in her bladder that the doctor said could possibly be a mass. The doctor has put her on strong antibiotics, and we’ve scheduled more diagnostics for next week. Throughout all these tests, Angel has behaved so beautifully. She hasn’t whined or gotten snippy with us or the vet. She’s going through a difficult time in a strange place with strange people, but we think she recognizes that we’re trying to help her feel better. We’re also showering her with love and affection. She’s a special little girl who would make a great pet to a deserving person or family. With this thought in mind, as well as the future diagnostics and treatment that may be needed to bring her back to health, MSRNT is humbly asking for donations to help us take care of this adorable little mini. In the Big Book, we’re told to be hospitable to strangers for we could be entertaining angels unaware. Well, this little Angel needs lots of hospitality, comfort and love. Will you please join us in caring for her?
Name | Donated |
Alice Wallis | $ 300 |
Bella Wintle | $ 50 |
Darlene Berry | $ 25 |
Jack C Wright, Jr | $ 30 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25 |
Joslyn Canneus | $ 60 |
Kathleen Wilkens | $ 75 |

Emmitt’s UPDATE:
Emmitt is feeling so much better with his new hair style.
MSRNT is proud and relieved to announce that Emmitt seems to be feeling much better. His wounds are healing nicely, and we can tell that he’s so much happier now that he’s able to move around more freely. Because of all your thoughtful donations, MSRNT was able to pick up this sweet, injured stray schnauzer and get him the medical attention he so desperately needed.
Emmitt came to MSRNT through a shelter in south Fort Worth. The shelter had picked him up as a stray, and no one had chosen to claim or adopt him. Emmitt arrived very matted and walking on three legs. He held up his fourth leg as if it had been injured. MSRNT suspected a broken bone and noted the severe sores and oozing on his leg.

This little guy must have gotten into some pretty rough stuff! Emmitt was immediately taken to the vet, where they shaved off his matted hair to get a better look at his leg. They were surprised to see that after his hair trim, Emmitt walked uninhibited on all four legs. He didn’t have a broken leg after all! His hair had gotten so matted and tangled that it actually kept him from walking freely. The nasty sores on his legs and the oozing were there because his hair had pulled his skin so tightly that it had actually broken it. The vet said that Emmitt’s matting had been so bad, it was essentially like wearing clothes that were four times too tight for him! Emmitt is still currently being observed and treated at the vet. He was put on antibiotics for his sores, and they are slowly starting to heal. Because we have no medical records on Emmitt, he’s being watched closely and carefully by our wonderful vet clinic.
MSRNT is so grateful to our generous donors who give so freely to help these precious little fur-babies find happy new homes and families. Thank you for your donations. We’ll keep you all updated on Emmitt.
Donations Made:
Name | Donated |
Bella Wintle | $ 50 |
Dedra Pfarrdrescher | $ 100 |
Gary Isaacs | $ 25 |
Jennifer Massel | $ 50 |
Jerry Burns | $ 25 |
Michael Bosley | $ 5 |